
Four exercises that can reduce the risk of dementia

It’s a law: regular exercise protects against dementia. After following more than 10,000 participants in their 50s for 16 years, researchers at the University of the Andes in Colombia concluded that those who exercised regularly were 10 times less likely to be and dementia in their 70s than those who had never exercised.

Scientists have suggested for years that there is a link between regular exercise and a reduced risk of dementia, but this latest study, published in September, was the first to follow people over decades to assess the impact that frequent migration may have.

The even better news is that the amount of exercise required to get these benefits is less than you might think. “Anyone who exercised at least once or twice a week was found to have this risk reduction,” says Dr Gary O’Donovan, a British researcher who led the study.

It was also found that “weekend warriors”, who exercised only on Saturday and Sunday, benefited as much as people who exercised every day of the week. There has been some thought that they may be slightly protected from ‘dementia’, “but there is not enough evidence to call it either way”, Dr O’Donovan says.

Another recent study using UK Biobank data, which also followed people over the years, was consistent with these recent Colombian findings. Dr O’Donovan says: “This is good news because if you can produce results in two different countries, it is very likely that the relationship is real.

The key message, he adds, is that some level of exercise is better for your brain than none, so people “need to find an activity they enjoy and stick with”. Here’s what science says about how much exercise you should be doing each week to prevent dementia – from brisk jogging, walking and even yoga.

How it works

Simply put, “exercise is good for your brain’s health because it improves brain chemistry, tone and function, all of which are linked to the risk of dementia in later life”. Dr O’Donovan explains.

Devi Sridhar, professor of global public health at the University of Edinburgh and a certified Level 3 trainer, says: “When you exercise, your muscles release small amounts of proteins and other chemicals. which go to your brain and help keep the brain matter that is often confused. slow down aging.”

He explains: “This is something called brain-muscle crosstalk, where the brain communicates with your muscles in a complex way.

For this reason, even 30-second bursts, such as a brisk walk to the bus stop or a few seats, are better for your brain than a sedentary lifestyle.

At the same time, exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain, helping it to maintain its volume as you age. Regular exercise is also linked to improved mood and sleep, as well as lowering blood pressure, and helping you maintain a healthy weight. Stress, anxiety, lack of sleep and being overweight have been shown to increase your risk of dementia.

To get the full brain-boosting benefits that exercise can bring, it’s best to incorporate large amounts of movement into your week – although they don’t have to be very long, or done every day.

1. Aerobic Exercise: An hour or two a week

A recent study from the University of the Andes considered only the effects of aerobic exercise, which involves your body using oxygen to produce energy. Running, swimming, jogging and cycling are all forms of aerobic exercise.

About half of the study participants who had a “weekend warrior” workout routine said they did it for 30 to 60 minutes, while the other half it is practiced in segments of an hour or more”, explains Dr O’Donovan.

His team found no difference in the dementia risk of people who responded in these ways, and did not differentiate between “weekend warriors” and people who exercised once or twice a week. a week.

On this basis, an hour of running, swimming or cycling each week – separated by at least two sessions – should be enough to reduce the risk of dementia.

If you choose to exercise for a short time each day, however, 20 minutes a day is considered a safer amount.

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